
Scholarship Days Form

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Student Email:
Parent Email:
Mailing Address:
State of Residence:
ACT/SAT Score:
High School:
High School Graduation Year:
Intended Major:
Who is coming with you?:
Visit Options
Please indicate which Scholarship Day you intend to participate in:
I will be joining:
Which scholarship do you intend to compete for?:
If you are interested in any additional meetings, please select from the options below
If meeting with a coach, please select which sport you are interested in:
If meeting with a music director, please indicate which area(s) you are interested in:
Would you like a campus tour?:
Parent is a DWU alumna/us?:
If yes, please list parent name:
Please advise us of any allergies or dietary requirements: