
Athletic and Activities Administration

Lead with confidence

With a graduate certificate in Athletic and Activities Administration, you will learn and apply skills needed for developing and managing highly-effective sports teams, planning events, managing facilities and raising funds. You will also develop important skills to build relationships with the public, deal with conflict and much more. 

What can you do with a certificate in
athletic and activities administration?

The Athletic and Activities Administration certification will prepare you for specialized leadership and management positions at high schools, colleges and prominent facilities, such as:  

Athletic director at the high school or college level
Events manager for a prominent facility
Business manager for a professional sports team
Director of a major organization or venue

What’s the Difference at DWU?

  • 100% Online 
    Complete your coursework anywhere, anytime.  
  • 12 Months 
    If you attend full time, you can complete the program in just one year. If you need a slower pace, you can also take classes part-time. 
  • 7-week courses 
    Courses are accelerated, so you only focus on the skills that are relevant to teaching today.  
  • Auto Acceptance  
    Auto acceptance for DWU graduates with at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA. 

Pick Your Path

You can complete this program as a stand-alone certificate or in combination with a Master’s degree in education or business. Select the path that best fits your professional goals.   

"Working for the Timberwolves is a dream job! In my position, I have to be organized and adaptive for the day-to-day responsibilities of working at such a prominent organization. Proficiencies in event planning, public relations, revenue generation, adaptive leadership and conflict management are crucial to my role. The Athletic and Activities Administration program at DWU will equip professionals, who are looking to lead and manage elite organizations, with the tools they need to do their job effectively."
- Micaela Erickson ’14, ’15 Manager of Business Development Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx

Athletic and Activities Administration Graduate Certificate Courses

To complete the Athletic and Activities Administration graduate certificate, you will take 18-credit hours.

BUS 606 Adaptive Leadership & Change Management

3 Hours
Organizations are faced with constant and rapid changes in their local and global environments. This perpetual change necessitates that leaders have skills in resiliency, adaptation and innovation. During this course, students will explore theories of adaptive leadership, reflect on their adaptive leadership skills and develop strategies for improvement. In the second part of the course, students will explore principals of change management, learn how to uncover and address resistance to change, develop change plans, and implement and monitor change progress. Students will be able to: incorporate strategies to improve resiliency and adaptation in their context, conduct a stakeholder analysis and address resistance to change through appropriate behavior change plans.

BUS 617 Employee Life Cycle

3 Hours
Students will learn the employment cycle and the performance management cycle. Knowledge and skills developed will help student recruit, hire, develop, retain, and reassign or release coaches, staff and volunteers.

BUS 627 Event and Facilities Planning and Management

3 Hours
This course prepares students with skills they need to plan events and use tools for event planning and management. Students will also learn how to manage and oversee facilities and contract with other entities for facilities management.

BUS 628 Advanced Public Relations and Promotion

3 Hours
Advanced Public Relations and Promotion will prepare students to develop community partnerships, manage public outreach and engagement, work with the press, and use technology for promotion.

BUS 629 Revenue Generation and Management

3 Hours
Throughout this course students will develop skills needed to raise funds from their public, write grants, and manage budgets. Students will learn contemporary practices for generating funds and managing budgets.

BUS 636 Conflict Management

3 Hours
Conflict can be positive and negative, depending on several factors including how leaders manage. This course engages students in strategies to engage conflict in ways that are constructive for the organization and people involved. Activities will help students understand their conflict style and develop their own conflict management skills. Students will be able to: use mediation, negotiation, and other relevant conflict management strategies in professional settings, use communication effectively in high-stress environments and apply needs- and interest-based strategies to resolve conflict.

Paying For Your Degree

Earning a degree is a great personal investment. There are a few common paths some of our students take to finance their online education at Dakota Wesleyan University. 


The Musick Family Department of Business at Dakota Wesleyan University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA.

Click Here for a listing of accredited programs.

Your Contacts

As you explore the AAA program, you will work with an admissions representative.

Janet Greenway

Graduate & Online Enrollment Coordinator

Want to learn more? Let's connect!



If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.

Phone: 605-995-2650