DWU president Kittle featured in October Prairie Business magazine
Mitchell — Motivation is the topic of the October issue of Prairie Business magazine’s Insights and Intuition column. One of four area leaders, President Daniel R. Kittle of Dakota Wesleyan University is featured.
As president of a small, private liberal arts college, Kittle outlines a unique perspective. “t is motivating to see students explore and find meaning and purpose in their lives.” Kittle goes on to include colleagues in what motivates him daily. And healthy living can go a long way toward maintaining motivation: “I’m able to stay motivated because of healthy habits. I enjoy being outside with family, playing basketball, and reading to my son each evening.”
Kittle assumed the presidency of DWU in March 2022.
An online version of the entire article is available here: https://www.grandforksherald.com/prairie-business/insights-intuition-6